12 Fun Facts about Swings
Fun Stuff | 3 years ago

The most common definition of a swing is “something that swings freely from or on a support
especially : a seat suspended by a rope or chains for swinging to and fro on for pleasure.” (Merriam Webster).
Swings are a lot more than just a board suspended by a couple of ropes, however. As we’ve discussed in a past article, swings have physical, developmental, and therapeutic benefits for kids (check out our blog post from last year, Swing time: the many benefits of the simple swing, for more information). But mainly, swings are fun! So here is a random collection of fun swing facts.
- 1. Ancient greek sculptures and art from as far back as 1400 B.C. feature images of people on swings.
- Charles Wicksteed is considered the inventor of the modern day swing. One of his prototypes, dating back to the 1930s was discovered in 2013 in the United Kingdom.
- CedarWorks sells 15 different types of swings.
- CedarWorks has a patent on our Kid Swing, the one we designed with toddlers in mind for a design that enables you to convert from a soft seat that securely holds an infant to a firm seat for toddlers.
- Swings exist in cultures around the world, and they are featured in historic art from places as far flung as Japan and Europe.
- U.S. pioneers fashioned swings from sticks and rope to tie to a tree during breaks while they traveled west in covered wagons.
- New Zealand’s Nevis swing is one of the most famous swings in the world and was the world’s largest swing with a 300 meter arc, but a new swing at Longgang National Geopark in Yunyang China now claims the title of biggest and fastest swing. It also wins for “prettiest swing that is also completely terrifying” as it is suspended from a lovely rainbow colored arch that is 108 meters high.
- The Giant Canyon Swing, A cliff swing at Glenwood Caverns Adventure park in Colorado, is probably the biggest swing in the U.S. it is perched at the edge of a cliff 1300 feet above the Colorado River.
- The world’s tallest swing ride (think of the rides where swings are suspended from a rotating carousel) opened at Bollywood Parks Dubai in February. On the Bollywood Skyflyer swings are suspended from a tower that rises 460 feet above the ground. Definitely not the ride you might remember from state fairs and other midway carnival rides.
- There is a swing called the “Terror-Dactyl” that sits on the edge of a 200 foot cliff at Cave of the Winds Mountain Park in Manitou Springs, Colorado. The name alone pretty much seals the deal on whether we plan on visiting Manitou Springs anytime soon.
- Swings in picturesque places all over the world like Tulum, Mexico and Bali, Indonesia have become tourist attractions on their own as they draw social media influencers and wannabe influencers. Even for swings, it’s all about the ‘gram.
- A teenager from New Zealand broke the Guinness World Record for longest time on a swing, 36 hours. He had planned to start earlier so he could swing longer, but he got a late start because he slept through his alarm. Did we mention the part about him being a teenager?
It’s amazing how much joy (or terror) a concept as simple as a swing can provide, even if it’s just a swing at your local playground.